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Are you feeling overwhelmed?

Have you ever wanted to organize your house but when it came to it, you felt overwhelmed so you procrastinated? Just know it is okay to feel this way. As everyone says Rome wasn't built in a day, it is the same when getting organized. You can't organize your house in one day, but you can follow these three steps to help relieve the overwhelming feeling, and provide you with great satisfaction.

Step One: Set A Date

Before you start anything you want to first set a date, and designate a room you want to organize. Setting a date is really important to do as you are committing yourself to this day to get everything done. Once the first step is put in place, now you can move onto step two.

Step two: Create A Plan

This second step is ideal to have because you get to set up a budget, review the room you want to work on, get some ideas, and gather material. First you will want to grab a notebook or piece of paper and write down what issues you have with the room, and what you are wanting to get out of the room? When you go through the room you will write down on the piece of paper your keep items, toss items, and donate item. (Keep the paper as this will save you time when you are working in the room. You will also want to use at least three bins for your keep, toss, and donate.)

Once you have completed your keep, toss, and donate item list you will want to measure your space, and make a rough draft of the room. Getting a layout of the room, will help you visualize what you want to rearrange, and what material you want to use in the room. When it is all completed you get to do the fun part which is shopping for the material. Keep in mind when you are shopping for material that you want to go with what will work for you.

Finally the prepping and planning is now complete and you are onto Step Three.

Step Three: Execute the plan

Today is the day and you are now ready to transform your room. Start with the piece of paper where you wrote down all of your keeps, toss, and donates. Using the bins go through your items and put them in the keep, toss, and donate bins. Once this has been completed you can remove the bins and put the toss items in your trash, and the donate items in your vehicle. The keep bin you want to set aside as these are items you will want to go through as you might want them in the room you are organizing or you might want to relocate them to another room.

Once you have completed the bins you will want to pick up any trash, and wipe everything down, because after all this is a fresh start so we want everything looking nice. When you start organizing, and rearranging the room, you want to create a system, a flow that works for you. You want to create a easier life, not a hectic one, so think of what system you want to work with, such as category, size, color, etc. When you have a system in mind you can start organizing away.

Lastly you did it! You organized. All that overwhelming feeling has been wiped away and now the satisfaction comes into play. The only thing left to do is to sit back and relax and enjoy the room that you just transformed.

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